Visual Art

Live Pacific Mural Painting

Watch mural artist and carver Jim To'o Stretton painting a live mural at Te Oro

  • Wed, 26 Mar at 4PM
  • Monday 24 March
  • Ages All
  • Free
View dates
  • Mon, 24 Mar at 4PM
  • Tue, 25 Mar at 4PM
  • Wed, 26 Mar at 4PM
  • Thu, 27 Mar at 4PM

Watch local mural artist and carver Jim
To’o Stretton painting a live mural at Te

This mural activation celebrates pacific
cultures through the depiction of Pan-
Pacific patterns, motifs, and stories
symbolizing the strength and beauty of
the collective pacific heritage.

This mural aims to reconnect the large
Pacific community in Glen Innes with their
rich cultural heritage.

Monday 24 March 4-7pm

Te Oro

The long-held community dream of a music and arts centre for young people in Glen Innes is here.
In this multi-purpose space, young people and the local community can come together to perform, practise and learn the arts; express their creativity and talents; and celebrate their cultures.

Jim To’o Stretton

Jim To'o Filiva'a Stretton is 30 years old, proudly of Samoan and European descent, and the owner of JS Carvings Ltd. He has been carving for nearly 20 years, but what he is most proud of is his beautiful family—his incredible wife, Naomi, and their two young children, aged three and two.

What he loves most about his carving ventures is the opportunity to reconnect with his Pacific culture and create spaces for others to do the same. Carving is an increasingly rare Indigenous art form, and part of his vision is to revive and celebrate this knowledge, inspiring others to see the importance of embracing their own cultural practices for their overall well-being.

Beyond creating hand-carved pieces, Jim also runs carving workshops, craft unique photo frames and canvases, and shares his work worldwide. But this is just the beginning. His dream is to inspire the next generation of Pacific creatives—showing them that pursuing art and culture can be a successful and fulfilling path.

Jim is deeply grateful for the support of his family and community, and excited to see where this journey takes him next.

Te Oro

Te Oro

Jim To’o Stretton

Jim To’o Stretton

Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board