Te Oro & TRC Samoan Language Week 2021 Celebration!
Samoan Language Week!
- Free
View dates
- Fri, 4 Jun at 5PM
Join us as we Celebrate Samoan Language Week!
Te Oro
The long-held community dream of a music and arts centre for young people in Glen Innes is here.
In this multi-purpose space, young people and the local community can come together to perform, practise and learn the arts; express their creativity and talents; and celebrate their cultures.
Tāmaki Regeneration Company (TRC) is behind the largest urban transformation project in New Zealand, creating a thriving, attractive, sustainable and self-reliant community where the future looks brighter for the residents of today and tomorrow.
Formed in 2013, TRC is jointly owned by the Government and Auckland Council. TRC work in partnership with residents and businesses, mana whenua, local and central government agencies, local service providers and the private sector to provide a platform for successful regeneration in Tāmaki.
Building on a strong sense of community and leveraging the areas natural advantages, Tāmaki's regeneration will create a highly desirable, modern multicultural community.
The Tāmaki Regeneration initiative will be a showcase of innovation, collaborative partnerships of physical, social and economic regeneration and a “let’s get it done” attitude.
Te Oro